Tips from an Urgent Care on What to Do When You Sprain an Ankle

Urgent Care Sterling, VA

Considering using urgent care services is a smart idea for many people for a number of reasons. If you are not able to make an appointment with your primary care physician for immediate treatment, then contacting your local urgent care center is recommended. You can contact them to make a same-day appointment, or you can simply walk in and be seen on a first come, first serve basis. An urgent care center is also often preferred over visiting an emergency room when an urgent care professional can treat the emergency.

Spraining an ankle

Sprained ankles are a common injury and happen when the ligaments that connect the bones in the foot and ankle are stretched too far or actually tear. Anyone can sprain their ankle at just about any time, like when tripping over an uneven surface, playing sports or wearing the wrong type of shoes. According to the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons, most sprains are minor injuries that heal with home treatments; however, if the ankle is very swollen and painful to walk on, seeing a medical professional is necessary.

What to do for a sprained ankle

The following is a list of three beneficial tips from an urgent care professional on what anyone can do to treat a minor sprained ankle. It is assumed that the injured person will follow the RICE method for immediate treatment: Rest: Ice, Compression, Elevation.

#1 – Maximum ice time

It is simply not true that the longer someone places ice on their sprained ankle, the faster the injury will heal. The recommended amount of time that someone should ice their ankle injury is only for about 20 minutes every three hours or so.

#2 – Compression bandages

Wearing a compression bandage is fine, as long as it is done properly. When wrapping an injured ankle, the bandage should be snug and therefore not too tight. If the bandage is wrapped around the ankle too tightly, the circulation will slow down, which in turn is going to slow down the healing process.

#3 – What to avoid

In order to increase one’s chances of complete and successful healing, they should avoid hot showers and hot packs during the first 24 hours after injury.

Can we help you?

If you are currently in need of urgent care services, whether it is for a sprained ankle or another type of injury or illness, our team of medical professionals is more than happy to assist you. We will not only treat your injury or illness, we can also offer you any advice you need that can keep you safe and healthy. We hope the above tips on what to do for a sprained ankle will be beneficial to you. If you have any additional questions or are in need of advice, then we invite you to contact us as soon as possible.

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